Florida Roofing Law Changes 2022

Orlando Roofing Company

Florida has extensive laws when it comes to roofing. This is due to frequent tropical storms and hurricanes that damage roofs across the state. Most states in the US do not have roofing laws as substantial as Florida. Florida has legislation on the required qualifications to perform roofing work, how it must be done, when a roof can be re-roofed, and so much more. In addition, laws can even vary depending where in Florida you live. This is because high-velocity hurricane zones, such as Miami, are more prone to weather damage so the laws will be different. 

Roofs are an investment, and with quality material and maintenance, they can last decades. But if you live in Florida, storms can damage your roof despite the quality. This is why being kept up to date on Florida roofing law can be beneficial if you own any property. A majority of roofing laws are described in the Florida Building Code or in the Florida Statutes. However, the best way to understand roofing laws is by talking to a roofing professional.

What is the new roof law in Florida?

Earlier this year, the Florida senate approved a bill (SB 1728) that may impact all homeowners. The bill was sponsored by Jim Boyd due to the rising insurance prices. This bill was passed by the senate with a vote of 28 -11. This bill rallied support from many insurers due to high losses experienced from roofing claims. Many of these claims have been questionable and fraudulent. 

The most controversial part of the bill is that property owners would now have a new deductible for roof-damage. This deductible will be up to 2 percent of their policy. An example of this would be a homeowner with an insurance plan that has $400,000 in coverage, would now have to pay up to $8,000 for a deductible. This bill would not apply to any roofs with damage due to hurricanes or homes with total losses. 

Roofing Companies Near Me

If you have any questions on how your roof may be impacted by Florida Roofing Laws, Castle Roofing Group can help. Castle Roofing Group is an Orlando roofing company dedicated to serving our customers with fair estimates and step-by-step guidance in all things roofing. We have been serving the Central Florida area for new roof installation since 2012. To schedule a free roofing estimate, book an appointment online or call us at (407) 477-2823.

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